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The essentials of metallurgical crane casting operation

DATE : August31, 2021
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Since the temperature of molten steel is as high as 1000℃ and is in a flowing state, any carelessness or operating errors during the lifting and pouring process will cause the molten steel to overflow or fall, causing serious personal and equipment accidents. Therefore, ensure the lifting and pouring Operational safety is the key to the operation of casting cranes. Metallurgical crane casting crane is mainly used to transport molten steel and pouring steel ingots in smelting workshops. It has basically the same structure as general bridge cranes. It has two sets of main and auxiliary lifting mechanisms. The main and auxiliary trolleys travel on the main and auxiliary beams respectively.  In the operations of transporting molten steel and pouring steel ingots, the main hook is used to lift the ladle, and the auxiliary hook is used to dump the ladle.

The essentials of metallurgical crane casting operation; metallurgical crane; casting crane;

In addition to observing the general operating rules and related systems of general overhead cranes, crane workers must also master the following rules and operating essentials:

1) You should be familiar with the whole process of the lifting process, understand the action requirements of each link and the relationship between each other to ensure the smooth progress of the lifting and pouring of molten steel.

2) Before hoisting the ladle, it is necessary to prove that the hook has hooked the neck of the lifting lug correctly and reliably, and then lift the ladle according to the instructions of the full-time personnel.

3) In order to prevent the hot molten steel from directly baking the hook set, the hook for lifting the ladle should have heat insulation, such as a partition or a long neck hook.

4) The molten steel must not be filled too much to prevent the large and small cars from starting or braking too fast and causing the pendulum, causing the molten steel to spill and injure people.

5) Before each lifting of molten steel, the ladle containing molten steel should be lifted slowly to a height of 200mm from the ground, and then the brake should be lowered to test the reliability of the lifting brake. If it does not exceed the allowable sliding distance (generally not more than 100mm), the lifting operation of molten steel can be formally carried out.

6) When lifting molten steel, it is strictly forbidden to pass directly above the head.

7) When lifting molten steel, the speed should not be too fast, and the controller handle should be placed in the second gear.

8) When starting the lifting mechanism to raise or lower the ladle, it is strictly forbidden to drive other mechanisms such as carts or trolleys, so that the crane workers can concentrate and avoid accidents caused by misoperation.

9) Before turning the ladle, use the hook of the auxiliary trolley to hook the turning ring on the ladle reliably. Only follow the instructions of full-time personnel at work.

10) Do not directly contact the steel wire rope of the auxiliary lifting mechanism with the ladle or the balance frame.

11) When molten steel is poured into the furnace from the casting trough, the ladle is only allowed to be transported on the edge of the trough and kept at a proper height.

12) When opening the "nozzle brick" of the ladle, no one is allowed to stand under the ladle and operate the pressing rod.