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40.5t Up Rotate Container Gantry Crane to Horgos Port

DATE : January30, 2018
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Sinoko Cranes PGMQ type up rotate container gantry crane star using at 2012. It is a high-end crane with advanced technologies such as unmanned collector control, remote operation, precise point and positioning. It is a major breakthrough in the field of crane industry.

Basic Information of Container Gantry Crane

Lifting Height
Effective Cantilever
Working Duty
Working Temperature
PJMQ (4250)

And what’s more, the big challenge is low temperature in Horgos port. The annual winter minimum temperature is generally -35 degrees Celsius, while the historical minimum temperature recorded in the jurisdiction is -42.6 degrees Celsius. Our cranes doing very well from 2012 till now.

Supports from SINOKO CRANES on after-sale
a) Planned Maintenance Schedule for Container Gantry Crane:
SINOKO CRANES provided planned Maintenance Schedule along with O & M Manuals to be utilized during the Operation & Maintenance stage of plant.
b)System Support, Up-gradation of Software and Sharing for Horgos port Container Gantry Crane
SINOKO CRANES shared all the relevant Passwords with us for supplied system and any up-gradation of software for any kind of Operation & Maintenance support in future.
c) Manpower Overhaul
SINKO CRANES dispatch related technical for maintenance the gantry crane